Welcome to Pothys Swarna Mahal !


GOLD is not just a precious metal; it's an integral part of Indian culture and a symbol of wealth passed down through generations. Its stability and high returns have made it a preferred investment option for generations, a testament to its trustworthiness and reliability.

Financial experts suggest an investment portfolio should include a minimum of 10 % of GOLD to strengthen it. Allocating 10 – 20% to GOLD can stabilise a portfolio and ensure good returns over a period.


Digi Gold is a Digital GOLD Purchase Plan that allows users to buy gold as often as they want. We will convert the daily investment into Digital GOLD at the prevailing market rate at the time of deposit.

Investing in Digi Gold is a safe and efficient way to invest in GOLD with an initial investment of just `100, and there is NO limit for online payments. You can build a diversified investment portfolio without the risks and hassles of maintaining the physical gold. And if you ever wish to hold your gold in your hands, you can convert your digital gold to exquisite Gold, Diamond, Platinum Jewellery or Gold Coins & Bars anytime by visiting our stores or shop online through our video shopping service.


Start Saving for Gold with as little as ₹100/Day


Flexible Payment compared to other Gold Savings Schemes


Convenient and secure way to invest in gold


Track and manage your gold savings digitally anywhere, anytime.


Ideal for Modern-Day Gold Investors


Redeem your digital gold for a wide range of jewellery.

Buy GOLD as low as ₹100

With DiGiGOLD, you can start investing with as little as ₹100, making it a highly accessible investment option for everyone. It also allows you to make multiple daily payments.

Save MORE and Earn MORE Benefits

With the Pothys SwrnaMahal DiGiGOLD saving Plan, you will earn an instant GOLD weight bonus whenever you pay.

Within the first 75 days, you'll receive a 7% instant GOLD weight bonus. For example, if you invest ₹ 15,000, you'll get ₹ 1050 worth of instant GOLD weight bonus added to your account. This immediate benefit is designed to give you an instant reward for your smart investment.

Second 75 Days, 5% instant GOLD weight bonus

Third 75 Days, 3% instant GOLD weight bonus

Last 75 Days, 1% instant GOLD weight bonus


Unified Payment Interface


Debit & Credit Cards


Net Banking




After 330 Days, you can redeem the accumulated gold weight along with bonus gold weight and convert your digital gold to buy exquisite Jewellery, gold coins and bars, anytime by visiting our stores or online video shopping service.

Plan Tenure

The Plan's tenure of 300 days will commence from the date of the user's first payment. During this period, users can save gold as often as they want. At the end of the 300th day, acceptance of advance payment/DiGi GOLD accumulation will be stopped, and the Plan will mature on the 330th day.


Who is eligible to participate in the DiGiGOLD Plan?
Indians of Indian Origin or Indian Citizens who have attained the age of 18 or above are eligible to invest in the DiGiGOLD Plan.

What is the minimum investment amount to enrol in Pothys Swarna Mahal’s DiGiGOLD?
A minimum of ₹ 100 is required to enrol in this Plan, and there is no limit on online transfers. However, a PAN copy is mandatory at the time of enrolment and redemption for investments over Rs. 2 Lakhs as per the prevailing income tax regulations.

Is there a minimum investment requirement?
Yes, we recommend a minimum investment of Rs. 10,000 is required over a period of 300 days to witness your investment performance and return. You can monitor your investment performance on our DiGiGOLD app daily.

How do I know the weight of Gold accumulated?
Your Digital GOLD will be updated in the DiGiGOLD app immediately after making the payment.

Can I purchase special items like Antique, Bridal, Precious Gemstone, Diamonds and Platinum Jewellery in this plan?
Under this plan, you can purchase Antique, Bridal, Precious Gemstone, Diamond and Platinum Jewellery with an ongoing offer by paying valueadded charges such as wastage, stone charges.

Can I buy Gold Coins?
You can purchase gold coins

Is there a lock-in period in the plan?
Yes, there is a minimum 330 Days lock in period to redeem your accumulated gold with Bonus Gold Weight benefits.

What if I pre-close the scheme before its tenure?
Customers who pre-close within 330 days of enrollment can redeem their accumulated gold weight without a bonus weight benefit. However, they can enjoy the ongoing offers available during redemption.

Will cash be refunded?
No, a Cash refund will not be permitted under any circumstances, as per government regulations.

Will there be GST?
Yes, the member will bear GST and any other government levies at the time of invoice.

Terms and conditions.
  1. The DiGiGOLD purchase plan (hereinafter DiGiGOLD or the plan") offered by Pothys SwarnaMahal Private Limited allows customers to save gold digitally on a regular basis and redeem it to purchase jewellery with certain discounts, subject to these terms and conditions.
  2. Customers can pay any amount starting from ₹ 100
  3. Customers can make multiple payments in a single day, and the maximum investment is not restricted during the entire tenure.
  4. The paid amount gets converted into a GOLD weight on the current board rate.
  5. After 330 days, the customer can purchase the accumulated weight in any PSM store.
  6. The customer gets an instant Gold weight bonus based on their invested value and duration mentioned in the benefits slab.
  7. The customer is also entitled to a FREE gift based on the total amount paid at the time of redemption.
  8. This plan is valid for 330 Days from the first payment made.
  9. This plan can only be redeemed against the purchase of Jewellery or ornaments mentioned in this plan document.
  10. This plan can only be redeemed against the purchase of Jewellery or ornaments mentioned in this plan document.
  11. Customers should produce one valid ID proof and PAN Card details at the time of enrollment and redemption.
  12. Partial redemption of accumulated weight is not allowed under any circumstances.
  13. Customers can get full gold weight bonus benefits only after completing 330 days from the date of enrolment.
  14. If a customer wants to preclose before the tenure, they are allowed to do so without the bonus weight benefits.
  15. The tenure cannot be extended under any circumstances
  16. Customers can enjoy the prevailing Offers / Discounts applicable while purchasing under this scheme.
  17. Gold coins can be purchased under this scheme.
  18. No cash refund will be permitted under any circumstances
  19. Transfer of ownership is prohibited.
  20. Customers will bear GST and other Government levies at the time of redemption.
  21. Stone Charges and Wastage Charges are applicable.
  22. No interest is applicable for any advance-paid
  23. Under this plan, jewellery customisation is not allowed; customers can choose from available merchandise at purchase.
  24. The company reserves the right to change terms and conditions in Future.
  25. Any dispute would be subject to Chennai High Court jurisdiction only.